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Organizational structure


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BIANRIFI TARMIDI, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy was born on March 15, 1958 in Nioumachoua, Mohéli – Comoros.

He holds an engineering degree in Civil Engineering, hydraulic option from the Hassanya School of Engineering Sciences, Casablanca. Senior executive at the Ministry of Territorial Planning. He is married and father of 4 children.

He has held various positions including:

  • Member of the National Assembly, Vice-President of the Finance and Planning Commission
  • Prime Minister of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros
  • Minister of the Interior and Decentralization of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros.
  • Special Advisor to the President of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros.
  • Minister of Economy and Investments, in charge of Economic Integration of the Union of the Comoros
  • Minister of Maritime and Air Transport of the Union of the Comoros
  • Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment of the Union of the Comoros
  • Director General of Public Works of the Comoros
  • Engineer counterpart to the Head of Mission for Control of the construction works of the port of Moroni on Fed financing.
  • Engineer directing the control of school construction works in the Wilaya of Casablanca and studies of GC markets at the Municipality of Casablanca.


  • The General Secretariat of the Ministry,
  • Directorates General and Directorates
  • The autonomous directorates-general under the supervision of the Ministry:
    • ANRTIC General Management
    • General Management of Comores Telecoms
    • SNPSF General Management
    • General Management of Comoros Cable
    • ORTC General Management
    • General Management of Al- Watwane Press Edition
  • The general directorates dependent on the supervision of the Ministry:
    • Directorate General of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT
    • Directorate General of Information

      The General Secretariat

Ali Mohamed Hassani

General secretary

The main mission of the Secretary General is the organization and administrative management of the Ministry. He performs his duties as the second hierarchically responsible person in the Ministry.

He is responsible for:

  • Program, stimulate, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the activities of the various departments of the Ministry;
  • Follow in accordance with the instructions of the Minister, the execution of the decisions taken in the field of competence of the Minister;
  • Check and submit for the Minister's signature all acts from the services of the Ministry;
  • Develop, monitor and evaluate the Ministry's action plan in accordance with Government guidelines.
  • Prepare half-yearly and annual reports on the activities of all the departments of the Ministry.

    Private Secretary to the Minister

Saty Attoumani

She performs her duties under the supervision of the Chief of Staff; she is responsible for recording and archiving the Minister's letters, drafting his correspondence. She is also responsible for Cabinet documentation.

Technical Advisor to the Minister in charge of Posts and Telecommunications


Private Secretary to the Minister

Saty Attoumani

She performs her duties under the supervision of the Chief of Staff; she is responsible for recording and archiving the Minister's letters, drafting his correspondence. She is also responsible for Cabinet documentation.

Technical Advisor to the Minister in charge of Posts and Telecommunications

Youssouf Mohamed Ousseini

He is responsible for studying the files from the postal and telecommunications services, monitoring, formulating opinions to advise and guide the Minister's decisions and then submitting them for the Minister's assessment or signature.